When asked to capture Post's dedication to making breakfast, I knew exactly where to go. Having worked on the original Post Cereal employee campaign over a decade ago, I knew that the heart and soul of this brand are its factory workers. So, we headed to Battle Creek, MI, with a small crew to talk to the people that live, eat and breathe Honey Bunches of Oats 24/7. Everyone had a story to share and some even a jingle.

Diana had many stories to share, this was just one of them.

The story behind a simple code.

If you haven't had a PJ Day, you're missing out.

Unfortunately we can't take credit for writing this catchy jingle, it was all Diana.

Chris is proof that cereal just doesn't start a day.

Their stories were shared everywhere, even at breakfast on back of their cereal boxes. 

Their stories were shared everywhere, even at breakfast.


Diana retiring was a story too.

Agency: Burns Group